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How to Use Ironing Board Like a Pro

How to Use Ironing Board Like a Pro

wall_mounted ironing board

“Why should I be thinking of ironing boards and how to handle them like a pro”, you ask? The answer is simple, it saves time, provides knowledge, and makes a chore more efficient. Sounds simple enough, right?

However, there is still more to learn about ironing boards, and by reading this blog, you’ll be a pro after learning a lot of things about the tools you need for ironing. You’ll only need to apply the learnings yourself to become a master of the art of how to use ironing boards.

What Are Ironing Boards There For You?

The Classic Ironing Boards

Classic ironing boards have always been the go-to for people since ironing clothes became a thing. It usually comes with four legs to provide balance, and the user has to stand to make sure that everything is ironed out properly. It’s generally small in size and can easily fit in any storage.

Compact Ironing Boards

This type of ironing board is small in design and handy for saving space, especially if your area is considered prime real estate. You can also use the compact ironing boards on top of a freestanding board to raise the platform.

Wall Mounted Ironing Board

A wall mounted ironing board can easily rotate 180 degrees and be folded to have more space for you. Similar in size to compact ironing boards, it doesn’t take too much space, and once done with ironing, you can easily fold it up back towards the wall and not think about it again until you use it.

There are several more styles of ironing boards. However, these are the three that people are primarily using nowadays because of their ease of use and popularity because of how simple they are to use.

How to Choose an Ironing Board

You would need to first think about just how much space you would want to commit to ironing your clothes and where you would want to do it. By knowing the area, you can then decide on what type of ironing board you would like.

Next would be the features you would like in an ironing board; there are several nowadays, such as auto-shutdown, jet stream, cordless, self-cleaning, you name it! After which, you would want to look for the best value, and you’re all set up.

How to Iron Clothes Using Ironing Boards

Now you’ll learn how to quickly iron clothes using ironing boards, such as the wall mounted ironing board. Learning how to efficiently iron clothes is a life skill that you need to know, especially if you’re living alone or trying to be independent.

You should first start by remembering that different types of fabric should be handled differently. Cotton, for example, can go to the highest setting, which is very much resistant to heat. Also, do not ever iron a dirty shirt as the stain would completely dry out and make the stain much more difficult to remove and stick to the fabric.

If your top has a collar, it’s best to iron it first before taking care of the rest of the parts to prevent the collar from being wrinkled. Next, iron clothes in partitions to keep it as uniform as possible. Make sure to set the ironed clothes right away and store them to maintain their integrity and provide a clean and crisp look.

For more prominent fabrics like blankets, curtains, and the like, it’s best to divide the fabric into partitions. Then, make sure that everything is as straightened out as possible to remove creases that are otherwise remaining if only gone over once.


There you have it! After knowing the different types of ironing boards, the benefits of each, as well as a simple guide as to how to iron your clothes, you are now a pro in terms of ironing boards and how to iron. You need only to apply and be consistent in ironing to make it second nature.

After a few attempts, you would find more techniques and strategies to make it even more efficient for you. Also, feel free to explore different types of ironing boards until you find the one that would best fit your style and the space allocated within your home.