Bid Fold Cabinet Door
Better life, Hinges

How Many Hinges Per Cabinet Door

When it comes to installing cabinet doors, one of the most common questions is how many hinges are needed per door. The answer to this question depends on the type of hinge being used and the size and weight of the cabinet door. In this article, we will discuss the different types of hinges and how many are typically needed for each type of cabinet door. 

In many instances, manufacturers usually use two hinges for each cabinet door, but it depends on the door’s size. If the door is big, it might need up to four hinges. The exact number of hinges for a door isn’t fixed and depends on factors like the size, weight, and overall design of the hinges. Some hinges can handle more weight than others. It’s important to use enough hinges to support the door and prevent accidents. Sometimes, homeowners face issues like cabinet door hinges breaking often. This could happen if the hinges are not installed correctly. For instance, if the weight is too much, the hinges might fail. To prevent this, make sure the hinges can handle the door’s weight.

how many hinges per cabinet door


Here are other factors in determining how many hinges per cabinet door:

Door weight

There are difference types and styles of cabinet door.

Some cabinet doors can be quite heavy, especially when made from dense woods. If you’re using heavy materials for your cabinet doors, it’s essential to choose robust hinges that can support the extra weight. Many manufacturers take the door’s weight into account when selecting and installing hinges. Some hinges are specifically designed to handle heavier doors, and even a few of them can be used for a large door.

In do-it-yourself (DIY) projects, it’s crucial to use an adequate number of hinges, especially if the door is exceptionally heavy. Using sturdy hinges is important because if they’re not strong enough, the doors may fail frequently. Homeowners are careful to choose hinges that can endure for a longer time. Using multiple hinges can help distribute the weight evenly, reducing the risk of frequent failures.

Recommend hinge per weight are:

2 hinges for a door less than 5kg

3 hinges for 6 to 9 kg door

4 hinges for 13 to 15 kg door

5 hinges for 18 to 22 kg door

inset cabinet doors

Door height

The heavier the cabinet door, the more hinges it needs. If a door is particularly large, it’s important to place the hinges close together to prevent potential failures. Having enough hinges on the door helps prevent vibrations at various points. Excessive vibrations increase the likelihood of the door failing, resulting in additional costs. When purchasing hinges, consider the size of the cabinet doors. Measure the door and take into account the design features to determine the appropriate number of hinges. It’s better to install several hinges than to use too few and end up needing repairs shortly afterward.

Many homes with large cabinet doors opt for multiple hinges to reinforce the door. Some cabinet doors are frequently opened and closed, leading to more wear and tear. Securing the cabinet door properly can reduce the frequency of hinge failures. Assessing different hinge options before making a purchase ensures you get the best ones for your needs.

Some of the recommended number of hinges are:

2 cabinet hinges for 600mm door height

3 cabinet hinges for 900mm door height

4 cabinet hinges for 2000mm door height

5 cabinet hinges for 2400mm door height

Hinge types

Cabinet door hinges come in different designs and types, and some are better at handling heavy doors. The materials used in making hinges also vary between companies. Hinges made from heavy-duty materials tend to last longer without the risk of failure, and you can use fewer of them because they are strong enough. On the other hand, lightweight materials may lead to hinge failure. In such instances, it’s advisable to install several hinges to effectively support the cabinet doors and prevent potential failures. The primary goal of using multiple hinges is to ensure the door is well-supported for proper closing and to avoid any issues.

Check Venace’s hinge

Types of Cabinet Hinge

Lipped Cabinet Door Hinges

Lipped cabinet door hinges, also known as overlay hinges, are the most common type of hinge used for cabinet doors. These hinges have a lip that sits on the edge of the cabinet frame, allowing the door to close flush with the frame. For lipped cabinet doors, two hinges are typically used per door. This provides enough support for the door and allows for smooth opening and closing.

Lipped Cabinet Door

Cabinet Door Hinges

For cabinet doors without a lip, also known as inset doors, three hinges are typically used per door. This is because these doors are flush with the cabinet frame and require more support to stay in place. Using three hinges ensures that the door will not sag or become misaligned over time.

Inset Door


Bi-Fold Cabinet Door Hinges

Bi-fold cabinet doors, which open by folding in the middle, require a different type of hinge than traditional cabinet doors. These doors typically use two hinges per door, with one hinge at the top and one at the bottom. This allows for smooth opening and closing of the door without putting too much strain on the hinges.

Bid Fold Cabinet Door

source: Ikea

Factors to Consider

When determining how many hinges to use per cabinet door, there are a few factors to consider. The weight and size of the door are important factors, as heavier and larger doors may require additional support. Additionally, the type of material used for the cabinet door can also impact the number of hinges needed. For example, solid wood doors may require more hinges than doors made of lighter materials such as MDF.

Proper Installation

Proper installation of cabinet door hinges is crucial for ensuring the longevity and functionality of your cabinet doors. Hinges should be installed evenly and securely to prevent any sagging or misalignment. It is also important to use the correct size and type of screws for your hinges, as using the wrong size can cause damage to the door or frame.


In conclusion, the number of hinges needed per cabinet door depends on the type of hinge being used and the size and weight of the door. For lipped cabinet doors, two hinges are typically used, while inset doors require three hinges. Bi-fold cabinet doors typically use two hinges, one at the top and one at the bottom. It is important to consider the weight and size of the door, as well as proper installation techniques, to ensure the longevity and functionality of your cabinet doors.

Do you have any additional tips for installing cabinet door hinges? Let us know in the comments below.