Kitchen Cabinet Knobs
Better life

5 Important Factors to Consider When Choosing Pulls or Knobs

5 Important Factors You Need To Consider While Choosing Pulls Or Knobs

After massive research and study, we have determined that five major factors can be considered while choosing the pulls or knobs for your doors. These 5 factors will help you get the best pull or knob for your door, thus improving your interiors’ overall feel. Let’s take a look at these 5 important factors which influence your choice:

Kitchen Cabinet Hardware


Always choose something branded, unless it is some rare antique thing from ‘eons ago.’ The reason? There may always be hidden defects in local products that might show up just after installing your new handles, and the warranty won’t cover it! So if you want quality, then go for branded stuff. But if you really want to save some bucks, then these 4 tips should help you get the most out of your non-branded pulls and knobs:

Tip 1: If possible, buy them from a shop where they will assure you of returns or exchanges.

Tip 2: Try to take opinions about the product from people who have already bought it online.

Tip 3: Check their return policy before buying anything. If there is no assured guarantee then ask yourself – why would I buy this?

Tip 4: Last but not least, always check if the company provides good customer service! This is one of the most important aspects of any business! So choose wisely, or your money might go to waste!

Tip 5: If you have a sizable budget, try to get an exclusive collection of pulls and knobs. This will help you know exactly what you are getting, especially if they offer returns or exchanges etc. And it’s always nice to own something unique, isn’t it?


The rule here is simple – don’t compromise on quality for the sake of low price! Don’t fall prey to such tactics used by most online stores where they lure customers into buying with the low cost and assure high quality products! Be wise about what really matters in your purchase and don’t be afraid to spend extra bucks if that product brings value for that money. For example, if you want to buy expensive handles for your doors, don’t compromise on the quality of those handles just because they are expensive, and ‘expensive’ usually means better! Don’t get fooled into this cheap trick; instead, try to look around for cheaper options that provide similar features and quality as that one!


Trust me there is nothing worse than buying something nice only to realize that it does not fit your door properly. The feeling can be annoying, especially when you have chosen that product after lots of research and consideration (as we suggested above). So choose wisely before you make the final purchase. Always check its dimensions or consult someone who has installed them before. Don’t go by ‘preference,’ it might not be suitable for your doors.

Most people choose their pulls and knobs based on their appearances and how it will look in your room. You’ll want something that fits well with your environment, so consider colors/patterns, etc, before you make your purchase! For instance, if you are looking for cabinet door knobs, some patterns may not match up well with other items, while others will go well together.


This is probably the most important factor of them all, especially if you are buying something for an exclusive collection or a special event such as a wedding or anything else like that. Remember, all those online sites selling branded pulls and knobs will always have some nice stylish stuff, but we cannot guarantee that their styles align with your taste! So if you want to choose something unique, then why not try something handmade? Many people make amazing handmade pulls and knobs that can really add value to your decoration! Just search around a bit before deciding on one.

The size of the pull or knob is very important as you will need to make sure that it does not stick out too far, causing people a poor user experience. In addition, when looking for pull handles and so on, make sure that they are ergonomic, meaning that they fit well in your hand whilst moving them around. If you choose a pull handle for a cabinet door; look for those handles that do not have an awkward shape, making it difficult to open and close the door. The two most common shapes are straight line-shaped designs (like that of a pencil) and curved edges (which give a good grip).


There are several different materials that can be used to make pulls and cabinet doorknobs. These include plastic, wood (birch, maple etc), metal (brass, hand-polished nickel) glass material. Plastic material gives an ‘industrial’ feel to the room but gives better grip than glass or wood. Depending on your choice of material, you’ll get a different finish/quality level and pattern in the product. Glass is not suitable for kitchen environments as it causes heat distortion, whereas wood does not give a good grip when wet or cold.

The shape of handle is also important as they can be smooth-edged or have selected patterns to them. They can be round-shaped, rectangular/square-shaped knobs or even elliptical-shaped. In addition, a lot of handles have convenient features to them like ‘holes’ in the middle which can be used to hang them up or mount them with other hardware.

When you’re looking for pulls and knobs for kitchen cabinets, there are several factors to consider. You need to make sure that the pull or knob matches your style preference. It should be aesthetically pleasing but also functional enough so it doesn’t get stuck when you’re pulling on it. The material is another important factor as well as how easy they are to clean! To ensure you find the perfect set of cabinet hardware, we recommend taking measurements before purchasing anything online – this will help guarantee an accurate fit once delivered. Give us call if you have any questions about these details or would like more information on our products in general – we hope this post has helped answer some of them already!