Lazy Susan 3 Types
Better life

Top 5 Reasons Why a Lazy Susan in Your Kitchen Is a Rewarding Purchase

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Buy A Lazy Susan

Organizing your things can get you a long way. With all the organizing tips and tricks you can find online, you can’t have a reason not to start your way to an organized home. After all, it is the place you would come home to every single day. If it is dirty, you can get sick.

The kitchen is one of the busiest areas in the house. Do you agree? Especially for someone who loves to cook and eat home-cooked meals, the kitchen is a haven of pleasure. What can ruin this pleasure is the clutter and mess in what is supposed to be a paradise for happy cooks and eaters. Lo and behold, the Lazy Susan is an item that you will love to have in your beloved kitchen. In a dining area with more than two seats, the Lazy Susan saves the diners from having to stretch their whole body to the other end of the table to get the salt. Even more distracting is when the diner needs to stand up from their seat, and walk to the other side to get what they need.


Lazy Susan: that small rotating round table or top that allows you to access easily an item in a set of items. At this point, if you are still not convinced of the benefits of a Lazy Susan in your kitchen, we listed down the Top 5 Reasons Why a Lazy Susan in your Kitchen is a Rewarding Purchase:

Lazy Susan 1980Uninterrupted Work

Whether you have 10 or 20 items on your Lazy Susan, you can reach each item without having to shove away other items or allotting a big opening for your shelves. You can move the Lazy Susan at your wish when you need something. If you have a small kitchen, a Lazy Susan can help you maximize your space by utilizing the out-of-reach corners of your kitchen without the trouble of reaching for it.

Upgrades your kitchen look

The Lazy Susan can upgrade the look of your kitchen. With your items properly positioned on a Lazy Susan, you will feel like you are in a store choosing items with ease. Moreover, having something round in your kitchen brings contrast to the angular edges of the shelves and cabinets. The look of your kitchen becomes more interesting with the inclusion of smooth round items. It is evident you’re going to have an easy time selling your place when the time comes when you decided it would be time to do that. Until then, you can be more than happy to enjoy using the lazy susan as often as you would like.

Less Stress

Isn’t stressful to push aside things, lift objects, and put everything back because that small item that you need so badly is right at the back of a shelf full of bigger items.? With a Lazy Susan in your kitchen, all you have to do is rotate it: stress-free and clutter-free.

Revolving Basket

It Saves Time

Aside from sparing yourself the stress of reaching for an item, it saves you time. No need to set aside other items you don’t currently need, and put them back. With a Lazy Susan, you have more time to enjoy the things you love to do. After all, you never really know when you would need some of the items there as that could mean some proponents in the future.

Not just faster, but better

Because you can see all items by just rotating the Lazy Susan, you can easily choose from a variety of items. Let’s say you prefer a rosemary seasoning for your salad or an oregano seasoning for your tomato-based pasta sauce, you can easily choose your preferred seasoning because you can see everything.

Our lazy susan hardware here at Venace is nothing short of spectacular. It is evident we’ve impressed hundreds with the materials that we used for it. We look forward to serving you in the future with our highly trained customer service team always ready to answer all of your questions. We can’t stress how important a lazy susan is to your kitchen whether it is on the dining table or at a cabinet.